Spring Clean Your Jewellery Box

Similar to how we anxiously scrub away the signs of winter in our homes, your jewellery box can use a good clean when spring starts to sprout. Whether it's a seasonal ritual or yearly task, sorting through your jewellery collection is a great way to discover old favourites and make room for new pieces. Read on for tips on how to spring clean your jewellery box.

Get organized

Before jumping into a deep clean, assess your jewellery storage situation. Perhaps your collection has grown, and your jewellery box isn’t cutting it anymore. Maybe you don't have a proper place to store your accessories and there are bits and pieces spread across your home.

Consider investing in a new solution such as our compact Travel Case or trying your hand at one of these DIY storage ideas. Whatever you choose, keep in mind that most jewellery will thrive in cool, dry places and shouldn't be stored where there's a lot of sunlight or moisture.

Get it all out in the open

Pull out every piece in your collection and determine whether you love it or if it’s time to say goodbye. It’s helpful to lay out your pieces on a clean, flat surface so you can get a bird’s eye view of what you’re working with. Create three piles: keep, donate/sell, not sure.

Your keep pile will include the jewellery you’re going to hold on to for yourself. Your donate/sell pile will include pieces you’d like to part with and will either give to a family or friend, sell, or donate to a local charity. Dress for Success Ottawa provides gently used clothing and accessories to women who are entering the workforce and are a great organization to consider.

Your ‘not sure’ pile may consist of pieces you’re not ready to part with, or that are broken and need some TLC. If you can’t fix it or give it a good clean, let it go. Broken and un-loved pieces aren’t serving you and can be dropped off to a local jeweller who may be able to reuse your pieces — you may even get a few bucks out of it!

What are you missing?

Once you’ve sorted through your collection, take a look at what might be missing. Maybe you’ve been eyeing something online or have been swooning over a new release from your favourite brand. With your newly purged space, you can totally justify purchasing something new.

Start by scrolling through your favourite brand’s Instagram feed or check out our new arrivals and treat yourself to something new. Spring is the perfect time to check out local craft fairs and shops in your community, too. Browse our events page to see where you can find us next!